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Some charts - its what we do!

by in ChartsView Blog:
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Hey guys,


Thought I would give this blogging thing for the first time!

After reading so many good blogs and posts, it cannot help but inspire me to try the same. The worst I will do is learn, the best I can hope for is to give someone a trading idea for the upcoming week or months.

Right now as it stands, I look at alot of charts, I annotate most of them, but only post a few on the board. This means that alot get lost in files never to see the light of day again - but if I start posting these charts to get laughed at, I can at least track their progress and determine whether or not my thoughts are along the right track more often than not - or vice versa. 

I am hoping the charts speak for themselves - to save you lot having to read my guff. Pictures are always prettier ;-p

Anyway, if at least one person can gain a trading idea from this blog, it will have done itself justice - and I can think about posting another next weekend.
If its a pile of ribbish, then at least I will know, and then I can go cry in a corner for a week, before re-surfacing and going back to the drawing board.

Here goes:



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  • gclark25
    gclark25 Saturday, 19 January 2013

    Blog on hold until I learn how to attach the actual attachments :-/

  • remo
    remo Saturday, 19 January 2013

    all this time i thought you guys had access to the full blog capability.Looks like you dont .Ill try and find a way around this as im sure there is one . So bear with us .I was wondering why others was not putting images up,,,dohhhhh...Now i know.
    Some thing else that i have to fix which our developers did not mention or know how.

  • gclark25
    gclark25 Saturday, 19 January 2013

    Not a problem Remo/Ronnie

    one thing - don't delete the blog as I will want to use the main body of it.

    Thanks :-)

  • remo
    remo Saturday, 19 January 2013

    Ive given you special access .So you should be able to load images onto your blog
    let me know if there is any problems

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Guest Thursday, 27 March 2025