This blog is an update from the share tips from 4th November to 1st December 2013 from the Premium Section called Share Tips.There was a possible 2000+ points profit to have been made.This obviously assumes the max possible and some of these shares have since closed out and most are still active. November was a good month in terms of profits made but please bear in mind some tips did fail but the losses were small compared to the gains from the wining shares.
This blog is going to be done like the previous blogs where it will show you the before picture and after pictures of the shares. This is the best way to show this, as its easy to follow. I will put the dates on the companies tipped so that members can check when the tips were done so that you know it's the real deal.
here goes...
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Chartsview blog
General trading and all to do with financial markets

Been trading the markets for more than 20 years and learnt the hard way to trade.
This is an update of the shares that that have been tipped since 2nd september to 20th October in the Premium section called "Share Tips". It's been very profitable netting in excess of 1500 points from the combined shares tipped.
This blog is going to be done like the previous blogs where it will show you the before picture and after pictures of the shares. This is the best way to show this, as its easy to follow and as many know I don't do hindsight trading like many so called pros out there. This blog will show this. I will put the dates on the companies tipped so that members can check when the tips were done so that you know it's the real deal. Like I have said there is no hindsight trading. It's all done by pure charting, here goes.
2nd September 2013
Before: This is the Chart...
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