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End Illegal Extension of the Average Speed cameras on the A13 Lakeside to London.

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End Illegal Extension of the average speed cameras on the A13

I am calling on the government to help British motorists by removing the average speed restrictions extension on the A13 Tms Gway/Kent Av to A13 by Scrat Terr IG11 W/B, United Kingdom. This extension is a speed trap for innocent motorists because it's been put on the section of the A13 where there is a national speed of 70MPH, which suddenly becomes 50MPH for the average speed cameras. There are no signs leading up to the average speed camera starting point from the M25 to the A13 Tms Gway/Kent Av. The signs start from there itself therefore causing motorists to slam on their breaks, which is very dangerous and can cause accidents.

The image below shows the first sign post warning of the speed camera and just ahead you can see the speed camera.Thats a good 4-5 miles from the M25 so they had plenty of distance to put up warming signs.They only put up the signs a few hundred meters from the speed camera.

2013-10-12 07.26.14

Heres the cameras

2013-10-12 07.26.18

The sneaky thing is most drivers were unaware of the police activating this new camera and  people were driving at 70MPH through this point to where they thought the camera were starting.So there were no warnings even now. Atleast let people know that they have extended this .

2013-10-12 07.26.50

This has caught out many innocent motorists because they have extended this section without any warnings and minimal distance for motorists to be able to slow down naturally. Drivers are driving as normal to the national speed limit of 70MPH and they have just taken their foot off the accelerator and naturally slowed down to 50MPH and by doing so have been caught out.

A lot of drivers are not aware of this new extension and are driving towards the old average speed restriction starting point. Therefore by the time they slowed down for the original speed restriction starting point they have already exceeded the average speed limit.

This section of the A13 with the new average speed restrictions is new and was extended without any warnings to the general public. This therefore is just a moneymaking scheme by the local authority and the Metropolitan Police who are more interested in making money than the safety of British motorists. By not putting any signs and warnings in advance of the new average speed cameras from the M25 they are infact doing this solely to generate income . If it was safety in mind then they would have put up signs warning motorist of the new average speed cameras.By doing this they have  not provided the drivers with a  a natural slowing down distance .This i feel is a  breach of  our human rights to use the roads safely.

Please help us fight this by signing our partition


Its about time the local authority stop targeting motorist for short falls in there budget. Its getting out of hand .Hopefully we can get enough signitures to warrent a debate in the parliament and show the goverment that we Drivers have a voice. Please help us by sending this to anyone that drives. Once the goverment gets used to this type of revenue theres no going back.Average Cameras will pop up every where and effect every one so by signing this partition it could hopefully be used as a goto for future extensions.

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Been trading the markets for more than 20 years and learnt the hard way to trade.


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