In a long awaited, but surprise, move Todd Kozel relinquishes his dual role as Chairman of Gulf Keystone Petroleum but retains his position of CEO (see link below).http://www.investegate.co.uk/gulf-keystone-petrol--gkp-/rns/update-on-move-to-official-list-of-the-lse/201305290700077372F/Debate has raged for months if not years about the validity of this dual role in light of corporate governance concerns but, for me, this move has been long overdue even if it's something of a surprise that it's come before the judgement on the Excalibur court case.However, it does raise an interesting question or two:Is this what would be expected if there was an imminent takeover in the pipeline? In my opinion that's not likely for obvious reasons, not least of which is why would Gulf Keystone pursue an official listing on the Main Market if they're not going to be around for much longer? Perhaps this is simply maneuvering but it could be costly and suggests to me that there's more field...
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