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Been trading the markets for more than 20 years and learnt the hard way to trade.

This is an update to the Interesting Chart section on  This section shows the  shares that have great potential for the coming weeks. In this blog i will be looking at how well these tips have done by showing you the before and after picture. Its been a mixed few weeks on the interesting chart section. There have been a few false breakouts but thats where the stops would kick in.Some shares just went sideways and faded out and others just took off . The Interesting chart section is primarily for short term trading and not long term. So some of the charts that i put up will show prices moved back down or up but from a day trading point of view were perfect. Thats the goal of the interesting chart section. For more great tips your best bet is to monitor the forums as thats where i post live...
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This is an update to the Interesting Chart section on, this section is updated every week and provides shares that have great potential for the coming weeks. In this blog I will be looking at how well these tips have done by showing you the before and after picture. This blog is not updated every week as some times the shares may breakout the following week and therefore it's pointless to just show 1 or 2  breakouts every week. These past 2 weeks have been a bit slow as only seven shares have broken out, there has been better success with the currency and index trades mentioned in the forums and a few shares that were not part of the interesting chart section. Currency or index trades are not included in the interesting chart section as they change daily and need closer attention. The interesting chart section is only focused...
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This is an update to the Interesting Chart section on, this section is updated every week and provides shares that have great potential for the coming weeks. In this blog I will be looking at how well these tips have done by showing you the before and after picture. The interesting chart section needs to be looked at on a regular basis as some times the companies that have been put up only move or brake out a few weeks later. It can be hard to go through all the charts but for people that have MetaStock or any other professional charting package it would be easier to keep track, as you would just have to save them on to your charting package and view them daily. Here goes.... 18th March 2013 DOM.L BEFORE This is the chart of Domino's when I mentioned this:   AFTER: This has moved 40 points...
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Marubozu candlestick pattern on the dow. This is quite a rare pattern on the dow jones industrial.This shows that the bears are in charge and bigger falls maybe about to come.Go away in april and come back in october may be true this year.A good entry based on this pattern is if the price comes half way up the Marubozu in this case to 14731(this is th 50% point of the Marubuzu) then short with stops above preferably.Caution on new longs as this could be the signal for a top. Obviously if the price goes back above the Marubozu then its void.     Marubozu candle has a long black body(red in my chart) and has no upper or lower shadows. This pattern indicates that the sellers are in charge and is pretty bearish pattern. Ive noticed a lot of the time prices come back half way up a Marubozu and...
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Interesting charts update  Last weeks interesting chart section had a very good week, with many of them breaking out and moving higher. A few of them were false breakouts but still should have profited from the inital thrust. I'm not putting all the charts up but only the ones that have moved higher. There were 12 shares to watch out for and 6 of them moved higher so should have been a good week for some who took the trades. Starting with ABF.L( Associated British Foods) This share broke out of the triangle and continuation pattern. Before the breakout: After the breakout:    BG.L (BG Group) This broke out nicely and now is re-testing the breakout point.  If this goes back below the new support then chances are it would be a false breakout. Profits should have been taken on this share. Before the breakout: After the breakout:   BRBY.L(Burberry Group PLC)...
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