Hi Ramu - hope you are well mate.
I hope its not too much but pls can you provide P&F for PFC (Petrofac) and Glen(Glencore)? If you can throw in a bonus of the P&F for the Oil Equipment services sector, i will be greatful too.
I was scanning through the market and there are very (FTSE 100 cos) that are technically interesting apart from the miners at the moment.
Kaz, AAL all look good but will be nicer for a bit more pull back. The rest have all steam rolled far ahead.
I am preparing my shopping list - and hope they will come good during a pull back:
1. PFC - the oil services sector has been pounded for the last few months and i am just waiting for sentiments to pick up. PFC is ok i guess fundamentally.
2. Glen - potential ascending triangle but its being clouded at the moment by the candles...
3. Kaz - at the moment its for the daring. I am waiting for accumlation signs
4. Fres - waiting for circ £12
5. RBS/lloy - analyst consensus of £3 is very close. but as a scum bag bargain hunter this needs to be 20-30% lower in price - at least thats what my granny used to say when she went senile

Any other on the radar stocks that you care to share?