Paitech wrote:
Hope you are keeping well and family too.
how or where I mean how do u trade BTC? Is that futures you trade?
I just want to try, even 1£/pip would be a nice trade...
I'm well thanks Paitech....Thanks.
Hoping you and yours are keeping good?
How are are the c/viewers doing? hope are are keeping and enjoyng the early Spring sunshine
I'm trading bitcoin or crypto's....i haven't done in a while to be honest, i think since those trades i posted below?

In fact apart from a few trades in early lockdown i haven't really traded anything on IG meaning fully for a while to be honest.
Their was a period about 5 or 6 years ago when i was trading a lot in indices...fairly big positions...
made some good money

....but then gave away some good money!
In the end i decided to stick to stocks with my own s/dealing and isa account margin or s/b's.
I just find that better....and i'm more disciplined when i trade that way and it doesn't take away my focus from more important things in life!
Will take a look at the site Remo's has recommended.
Some of my friends had large positions in crypto's....i was looking to buy a few on the last big drop....but never got round to it in the end.
I think we should see a p/b....but will take a look at soem charts at w/end if poss...
stay safe everyone....and enjoy the upcoming Summer....