I am very interesting in learing to trade using technicals. I have been trying recently but i don't think i'm putting enough time in. I have more time than I used to but it does not seem enough!
On average how much time do people spend looking at charts, searching for set-ups etc?
I work from 7-5, 5 days a week, 12 hours a day is wasted driving and working. I then have 2 kiddies and a wife when i get home.
From 6-7-30 we have tea, then read and write, have baths and then try to play games before bed.
7.30-8 Talk to wife about the day and things!
Between 8-8.30/9 I have to price tenders for future work.
So i have from 9-10/10.30 i could look at charts, but by this time i am starting to have had enough.
There is weekend time, but i seem to keep that for family.
I did see remo's 1 hour trading strategy

and thought that would be most helpful. I have just started to use it, tried today and went long at 5912 only to hit resistance from desending triangle 5924ish. Bailed out at 5884, didnt have a pre-order set for the down target and missed out there.
I realise trading is not for everybody, perhaps time and me are not a good combination to regulary trade.
I only use IG advanced charts and looking at updata (jackozy's) seem to have different spikes, so my resistances/supports (triangles) are at different levels!!
I realise that without the effort and commitment i won't achieve anything. I would just be interested in other peoples views and how they manage it.
I'm starting to waffle now. Thanks for listening.