There was no share tips last week. :
This weeks shares are mainly mixed bunch.Its always good to get the feel for the markets before placing any of these trade. Please remember that these are all short term trading tips so some times you have to exit quickly.
Remember to use stops on all trades and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
For all index and currency live trades its best to keep an eye out on the forums as thats where i post them if they look good.Most trades are discussed on the live chat so if your not using them ,then your missing out on some great day trades.
These trading tips are the ones to watch for the week ahead from 15th June 2015 to 21st June 2015.
If your looking for the Navigation bar then please minimize the chat window before clicking the charts.
Compass Group
Man Group
London Stock Exchange
Petra Diamonds
Vodafone Group
wpp PLC
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