Looks like Biden will win the day! or maybe it'll be the week by the time its all done!
Anyway it may well be the catalyst or excuse for a shake up in the markets??
I think the dow rally could see a p/b over the next year or two imvho....no quick fire crash....just a slow bear phase....based mainly on a weak economy with the pandemic fallout....and we always get a big p/b every 10 years or so....
Maybe the gold rally could end as well? for now at least....

a decent drop then and then a high on Gold?
In terms of reversal.....i think crude oil and oil stocks could make a comeback....

ending the bear phase and start a new bull run.....probably will not see new highs on the oil stocks....but a rally from the new lows we have atm...
just my thoughts...as always i know nothing....but i would like to know what you guys think....it will be interesting to see how things play out...