Hey TF,
How I wish mate, how I wish alas, no.
I've attached my watch-list (and the only shares I hold currently are GKP - which I want to dump at the biggest loss possible to off-set against my contract earnings - thank you IR35!).
Everything else, I've been nipping in and out of. Very much of the mantra of "he who hits and runs away, lives to fight another day".
I'll try to do better and post more trades, but with the explicit understanding that I honestly don't know what I'm doing. Let that last sentence be my disclaimer
(and full disclosure I hold other market sensitive assets such as USD but I didn't touch that since god knows when!)
Trendfriend wrote:
As per Paitech's suggestion to create a new thread for this s
I think Libero and Paitech always have some gems they want to keep to themselves
So c'mon everyone...always better to trade as team!
Stay lucky folks...and keep safe guys...
atb, wdik, dyor,