remo wrote:
Ive never seen a bear market over in a month..
ive spoken to a few people and there mentality is that this is just a blip...and that there not even worried..
I normally gauge the fear from these type of people and if there not worried then i suspect we have a lot more to
But common sense does say its just the beginning as so many companies are going to have profit warning and a few will go bust. Ill say around 90% will be missing there targets due to china being shut for 2 months and on top of that you have business closing due to virus in the western world which will destroy there bottom line so hence why i cant see that this is over.
good shout Remo.
...and without trying to add more woe, there are a few more factors to consider:
1. OPEC+ vs US Shale
2. The Global Economic Slowdown with or without Corona
3. The over-extended and overly heavy valuation of Stocks, or as our cousins over the Atlantic like to say, "Stawks"
4. Bad news suppression [due to Corona], plenty there to give a few tree shakes.
5. For the UK, the Brexit issue isn't done in spite of what PM Johnson keeps insisting.
6. The lack of unified fiscal policy (in the face of nationlism and protectionism)
7. The weakness of the "co-ordinated" monetary policies from Central Banks (how embarrassing was the Fed by the way? 150bp worth of bullets P!$$3d down the drain just like that). And the Dollar is STILL King (all Hail the USD!)
I don't think any of us have the answer, and it could be that some stocks have already bottomed out before the index (or vice versa!), but the basing period isn't over just yet - history has shown us that (we need to start paying attention to all these expensive lessons!)
We'll get through this, and hopefully prosper too (in an ideal world, by being strictly long - but I'm not judging and have no right to judge).