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MetaStock Stock Software 

MetaStock Free MetaStock EOD

Get your Trader's Action Pack worth up to $312! Get Now

MetaStock End-of-Day is specifically designed for traders who do their analysis after the markets close. Whether you're an experienced, active trader or just learning how to trade the markets, MetaStock helps you succeed. MetaStock is a full-featured, professional-level charting program. The software contains powerful analysis tools to help you make informed decisions about what to buy & sell and when to execute to make the most money possible. 

Of course, the best charting program is only as good as the data under the hood. For traders who use end-of-day data, Reuters DataLink is the #1 choice for a reliable and robust data feed. Reuters DataLink data can be trusted, is accurate, as it uses Reuters DataLink's exclusive AutoClean™ technology and is flexable.  

MetaStock end of day (purchase) Receive $312 in free products, services and discounts!

MetaStock Datalink

• $50 Discount on MetaStock End of Day purchase price

• Free month of DataLink data feed. ($24.95 value)

• Free copy of Unleash the Power of MetaStock training manual and CD. ($99 value)

• Free copy of the book Technical Analysis from A to Z. ($40 value)

• Free month of LIVE online MetaStock training and library of recorded MetaStock training from BreakAway Training Solutions. ($99 value)

• 30-Day Money-back Guarantee 

ChartsView Bonus features (included):

• Special ChartsView Template – A customized template including RSI, OBV and MacD indicators.

• Pre-programmed Scans, which includes Inside Bar Day Trading, Gap Analysis and 123 Low expert advisor.

Get your Trader's Pack Now: Get Now