This is an example of the forecaster from metastock in action so bear that in mind. It does take a bit of getting used to.
This gapped up this morning so should be long already
Forgot the name of this technique..bugging me..
This is from this weeks share tips
Forecaster for RSI
The forecaster is saying that there is a good chance that this will rise in the next 30 days by about 2.5%.The chances are about 60-70%.Further along there is a possibility of a 10% move.This is all based on the RSI oversold trigger..Dont ask me how the forecaster works as i have no idea
Forecaster for 200ma
The 200ma forecaster is saying that this has a good chance of moving over 10%
so basically different signals are used for the forecaster.
Ive got no idea how well this works so take with a pinch of salt .