New MetaStock 13 - Free stock trading software for 1 month.
MetaStock XIII is here!
MetaStock - For the last twenty years in a row, has won the Stocks & Commodities award for best stand alone stock software.
MetaStock is a full-featured, professional-level charting stock software program. Superior charting, powerful scanning, endless customization, and revolutionary back-testing and optimization make MetaStock Pro 13 powered by MetaStock XENITH the best choice for the self directed trader.

MetaStock EOD (End-of-Day) is specifically designed for traders who do their analysis after the markets close. The optional Reuters DataLink end-of-day datafeed, is powered by Thomson Reuters, the world's largest provider of financial data.
MetaStock Pro can be purchased for a one time charge, subscribed to alone, or subscribed to in combination with XENITH data. Now you can try the MetaStock EOD (end-of-day) or MetaStock Pro (real-time) version plus the amazing MetaStock XENITH real-time data and news package.
Try the new MetaStock 13 for yourself for 30 days — FREE!
Choose from:
MetaStock Pro & XENITH (subscriptions)
- Free 1 month of MetaStock Pro & XENITH real-time data and news package($485 value)
MetaStock EOD end of day & DataLink (subscriptions)
- Free 1 month of MetaStock EOD end of day & DataLink data feed($118 value)
ChartsView Bonus features (included):
- Special ChartsView Template – A customized template including RSI, OBV and MacD indicators.
- Pre-programmed Scans, which includes Inside Bar Day Trading, Gap Analysis and 123 Low expert advisor.