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Charting Software 


Stock trading software and charting software can be used to manage your portfolio, control your emotions, help with money management and help you to pick stocks more accurately and proficiently including entry and exit levels.  By using charting software it may increase your chances of being successful in stock trading. 

New MetaStock 19 is here!

"Our best release in decades"

Scott Brown - President of MetaStock

New MetaStock 19 - Try it now for Free, get your charting software trial for 30 days — FREE! Get Now


Charting Software

Discover all the new features in MetaStock 19 and MetaStock R/T 19 for Refinitiv Xenith, including the MetaStock FORECASTER which utilizes exclusive patent-pending technology to project where a security is going to move based on 67 events. TRY IT NOW FOR FREE! 

No obligation to buy, Just Try!

Get your free charting software trial for 30 days — FREE! Get Now
