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Petrol price Rip-off and running our economy

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Petrol Price Rip-off and Running our Economy

 This is the chart of Crude oil price at the highest it's ever been $147.27 per barrel:


This is the UK average price of petrol at the time of the highest crude oil price: £1.195 per litre.

 This is the chart of Crude oil today at $85 per barrel:


This is the UK average price of petrol today: £1.35 per litre

So my point is,

Why are the British public being robbed in pure day light????
Why don't the media comment on this????

I suspect that the media is in the hands of the government. My point is that the media are being controlled, why don't they report such a blatant robbery? Their editors are probably in the hands of the governments, nothing new there then. This is most likely the case wherever you are in the world and whatever party is in charge. Just for the record I'm actually a tory but may have to change my views if they don't do the right thing.
Why are the British public being robbed in pure day light???? Because we are blind!
The chart I have shown is of the Crude oil price. It's a clear price of the average price per barrel. So now you're not so blind. It does not take a brain scientist to work out something is not right.

There's about 117 litres of fuel to a barrel.

In times of hard ship surely the idea will be to pass on the savings to the public so they can spend more???

Well with petrol they can but they won't, all they want to do is add more tax on fuel. We already pay more tax than anyone else in the world. Petrol prices should have gone down in price by a considerable amount yet it seems to keep going up. If they did allow petrol to drop in price it will allow inflation to drop as well, which in turn would mean people will have more money in their hands to spend our way out of this trouble we are in.
Think of all the industries that will have an impact by lower fuel prices. Lower fuel prices will mean lower food prices ,lower cost and much more ,again more money for us to spend our way out of trouble. Bottom line is, people need to spend more money to get us out of the hard times and the only way people will be able to spend more is if they lowered tax (which they won't) or the easy option of lowering the fuel price. Lowering the fuel price can have an enormous effect on standard of living for everyone. It's probably the simplest way to give our economy the boost we need.

Yes it will hurt the treasury in the short term but over the long term it should be able to make the difference from more people being employed and people spending more. I talk like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I'm just basing everything on logic. A bit of common sense will go a long way to get us out of this mess that the previous government has put us in.
Previous government policy was spend, spend, spend, this government's policy is Cut ,Cut ,Cut. So if you had a government that was in between that came to power then things would have been a lot better. (sorry to say that's never going to happen). You cannot cut your way out of a recession but you need to help stimulate the economy by means of people having more money in their hands so that they can help in getting us out of this mess. It's a combined effort now. Everyone has to play there part and most importantly our government needs to start by helping its fellow people to help themselves, so logic tells me that the simplest way to start the ball rolling will be to cut fuel prices by almost half. Instead of £1.35 a Litre how about 80p a litre, this in my opinion will help a lot of small businesses and large businesses from shutting its plants from the UK, as then there losses may become profits.

Who is to blame????? Is it the fat executives' at the petrol companies or our government?......My money's on our government.

Why are elected politicians running the economy???? Have they actually got the skills to run a country??? They were after all elected to parliament from a local election. Do they actually have a qualification in Economics??
George Osborne our chancellor of the exchequer has a degree in Modern History, where he only got a 2:1 . So he is not the brightest spark when it comes to History so what makes him so bright that he can run our balance books. At this point some of you will be ready to defend his score of 2:1, yes it's a really good result for a degree but for someone running our Economy it's shocking. I would expect someone with a first and a lot of experience in the financial sector after many years of experience to land the job. Not someone with a 2:1 in Modern History. Sorry if it offends anyone, I personally want the best man or woman for the job period. There are people out there that get average marks of above 95% in exams; these are the people that you need to run our country. I could keep going on and on but I'm going to stop now.

If you agree with this blog spread it.Then maybe someone important may take note and help do some thing about this. Its a discrace how we are all being Robbed
Thanks for reading my blog.


This was just released on sky news on 30th jan 2013

Cost per litre  :                      £1.36

Crude oil cost :                       44p

Margins(oil company recieve) : 11p

Tax(are you sitting down)         81p

Thats just comfirmed my recent blog on how we are being ripped off on broad day light. 

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Been trading the markets for more than 20 years and learnt the hard way to trade.


  • Stevo999
    Stevo999 Wednesday, 14 November 2012

    You're quite right Remo - absolute disgrace! I have shared the Blog on Twitter and Facebook to spread the word!!

  • remo
    remo Thursday, 15 November 2012

    hi steven
    Thanks mate.
    Ive added the last paragraph after reading your comment. Thanks for the idea

  • mome wrath
    mome wrath Tuesday, 04 December 2012

    It's a well deserved blog.

    It would help the argument if we could plot the petrol duty, tax and VAT on the graph against the oil price.

    Not sure what the tax take is, probably at least 50% maybe as much as 65%

    I don't think these taxes have subtantially increased over the period
    apart from some tinkering.

    I seem to remember that the government ditched plans to raise the petrol tax a few months ago.

    It's outrageous whatever their take over 20% is but then, It may be preferable to an eight pound bread loaf by way of a tax alternative.

    What are the forecourts charged I wonder?

    I had a mate, ran a garage, couldn't make a living out of petrol sales alone.
    Went bust. Something wrong there

    My clients get scammed when I have to charge them mileage as I have to add VAT so they are paying FOUR sets of taxes (including VAT upon Vat.) That's got to be state avarice at its worse.

    Then there's the huge price differential in pump prices across the country?

    Can this really be justified on delivery costs alone?

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Guest Thursday, 13 March 2025